Advanced Polymer Nanocomposites
23 - 25 August 2021
Stockholm, Sweden
Advanced Polymer Nanocomposites is a thematic subject area of European Advanced Materials Congress, which will be organized to create interdisciplinary worldwide topical forums on the advancement in the field of nanotechnology and nanoscience that can contribute towards the development of new sustainable, polymeric nanocomposites for different application such as water purification, biomedical, sensors, and energy storage. This thematic session will provide opportunities for researchers, engineers, students, professionals, and business giants to present their research results, breakthrough innovations, discoveries, path-breaking ideas, experiences, and products display on a global platform.
Qinghua Qin
Australian National University, Australia
Important Dates
July 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline
July 2021
Confirmation of Abstract Acceptation
July 2021