COVID Science & Technology
23 - 25 August 2021
Stockholm, Sweden
COVID Science & Technology has the objective of creating an international forum for students, researchers, scientists, and policymakers from academia, government agencies and industry to discuss, share knowledge and form consortium on sustainable approaches to control the spreading of coronavirus and its prevention. The open-ended discussions will also present an ideal environment to discuss the current scenario of socio-economical healthcare technology, global health policy, and disease transmission strategy for the development and evaluation of novel ideas, methodologies to fight against this novel disease, pharmaceutical, clinical and disease management, supporting biomedical research and applications, data analysis and modeling, critical communications and control infrastructure. The symposium will provide the opportunity to have new collaborations, global networking and meet experts from different institutions, industries, and government agencies.
Cajetan Akujuobi
Prairie View A&M University, USA
Goodarz Ahmadi
Clarkson University, USA
Important Dates
July 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline
July 2021
Confirmation of Abstract Acceptation
July 2021
Early-Bird Registration Deadline
- Pandemic and global scenario
- Science & technologies
- Treatment and vaccines
- Source and effects in human and other animals
- Structure and modelling
- Hospital alertness to tackle infection
- Transmission routes and controls in the medical practices
- Clinical manifestation and diagnosis, prevention and control
- Emerging technologies
- Digital healthcare & cloud medicine
- Evolutionary dynamics monitoring
- Diagnostics and detection
- Policies and planning
- World economy and business crisis management
- Advanced genomics and diagnosis
- Proteomics and pathogenesis
- Healthcare practices and clinical nursing
- Point-of-care biosensors and devices