Sponsorship & Exhibition
Comprehending the needs of the prospective customers has always been a challenge for organizations. The European Advanced Materials Congress is designed as a one of a kind must-attend event that offers technology leaders, startups, and instrumentation companies unlimited possibilities to showcase their products and services and gain valuable insights through the exposure and one-to-one interactions.
The goal of Advanced Materials Congress is to congregate inventors, industry leaders, and academia delegates at one place to accelerate the adoption of new products and technologies for real-world applications.
Sponsorship Benefits:
- Find new and prospective customers
- Meet researchers from across the globe and showcase your products and services.
- Get direct feedback from the real user of your/similar products
- Understand their requirements and innovate before anyone else
- Educate your customers about your products
- Showcase yourself as a thought leader in your space
- Build your brand with targeted advertising in the Congress
- Recognition on IAAM website, Social Media, Signage displayed at the event
What Can You Showcase at the Congress?
- State-of-the-Art Technologies
- Research Work on the latest inventions
- Live Product Demos
- Demonstrate Product Value to high-level decision makers
- Invite for Academia Partnership
- Working Prototypes of upcoming technologies
- Latest Products or Service Announcements
- Expansion Plans to multiple geographies
The researchers and delegates that attend the congress specialize in scientific fields like Composite Materials, Graphene and 2D Materials and Biosensors and Bioelectronic Materials to name a few.
Day 1: 11:00AM to 5:00PM
Day 2: 11:00AM to 5:00PM
Sponsorship plans are available in three different packages:
- One Conference Sponsorship
- Three Conference Sponsorship
- All-Inclusive Package, which includes sponsorship for all conferences
To get more info about Sponsorship Pricing, email us at coordinator@advancedmaterialscongress.org
Package Inclusions:
- One 3 x 2m Exhibition Space with One Table & Three Chairs
- 2 complimentary congress registrations
- Full Page Advertisement in the Congress Program Brochure
- Insert up to 3 items (flyers, branded USB drives, cards, brochures, etc.) into Congress Delegates Bags
- Access to direct contact details (emails & phone based on availability) of up to a maximum of 20 delegates for your follow up and sales activities
- Dedicated Session Time of up to 40 minutes
- Logo, Website Link, and up to 200 words of Company Info on the Congress Website & IAAM website for 1 Year
- Shout-out from IAAM Social Posts and Opening Presentation at the Congress
- 25% waiver in future sponsorship packages in IAAM Conferences (valid till next 2 years of current sponsorship package expiry)
Application Submission Procedure
Select the product/technology that you want to showcase at the congress
Apply for any one of the sponsorship packages
Share the demo product information having a brief product pitch and 2-3-minute high-quality product video with the Conference Committee
Product evaluation from the committee for final approval
Showcase the product at the congress
Product Evaluation Parameters:
Uniqueness: How different is the product from the existing options? Is it entirely new or a derivative or a revamp? Does it solve a problem never addressed before?
Development Stage: What stage of development has the product/idea reached? Is it in the ideation stage? Does it have a developed prototype? When will the product be available to the consumer market? Are you looking for feedback on development stages?
Demo Time Required: : Is a dedicated time slot required to fully explain the product’s functionality? Can it be shown in a common time slot for demos? Will you need a specific time slot to share your product demo to the audience?
Market Requirement: : Is the product feasible for the market? Is there any existing issue in the market that the product solves?
Patent/Copyright Protection: The product should not feature any patented/copyrighted part or process in its demo. The sole responsibility for assuring the prevention of copyright/patent infringement lies with the Sponsor/Exhibiting Company.
*All the applications for sponsorship/exhibition will undergo strict evaluation from the Organizing Committee and only upon final approval will the final space for exhibition be provided. The applicant companies will be completely responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, legality, and adherence to copyright/patent protection laws while submitting the application or during the exhibition/product demonstration. IAAM reserves the final decision to allow/deny any sponsor/exhibitor a sponsorship/exhibition slot at the congress. Please request for Sponsorship Form for detailed terms & conditions.