About 29th assembly of AMC

About 29th AMC

The Advanced Materials Congress offers international interdisciplinary platforms for the students, researchers, engineers, professionals from academia and industries to confer the recent trends of advanced materials and technology.  International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) is proud to announce the 29th Assembly of AMC during 09 – 11 October 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden. 

The 29th Assembly of AMC will provide a global forum to the researchers, engineers, students, professionals from academia & industries, and business giants to present their research results, breakthrough innovations, discoveries, path-breaking ideas, experiences, products display, and new products launch. The assembly will exhibit the commercial products and its launches along with the experience of the multi-cultural and demographic heritage of two Scandinavian capital cities, Stockholm (known for Nobel prize) and the capital city of Finland, Helsinki.

IAAM Congress evidences strong attendance from industry and academia, excellent speakers, interdisciplinary research presentations, parallel sessions, symposia, and global networking.  The glimpse of truly international networking has strengthened the objective of Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence. IAAM has a rich legacy of 5000+ well-known speakers from 100+ countries in their Advanced Materials Congress assemblies. AMC has actively created a global forum in all the continents including Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa and the USA for the advancement of materials to global excellence. Till now, IAAM has hosted over 12000 delegates from 100+ countries in their past assemblies.

The truly innovative meetings set-up, Knowledge Experience at SeaTM ensures the maximum interaction and most vibrant discussion to place all delegates onboard in a single vessel. This 21st edition of Knowledge Experience at Sea aims to coordinate transdisciplinary areas of advanced nanomaterials to pave the way towards multi-inter-trans-disciplinary research and innovations. Be a part of "The Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence" @IAAM 2019.

The congress theme, “Emphasizing new age nanomaterials' research, innovations, and Technology”, reflected the scientist-industry cooperation model valued for the advancement of society. The conference will depart from Stockholm (Sweden) on 09 October to Helsinki (Finland) and returning to Stockholm (Sweden) on 11 October 2019.

The 29th Assembly of AMC aims to create an interdisciplinary forum on the following thematic events


Objectives of Congress

The 29th Assembly of AMC is intended to provide an opportunity to promote intensive discussions and collaborations among participants to enhance and widen the knowledge of Materials science and to surge innovation and responsiveness international needs. Additionally, the aim is to foster young researchers and students of cross-disciplinary areas of materials science under one umbrella. The congress will invite leaders from industry and academia for presenting their experiences, path-breaking ideas, and research-result. Through this process, we will be able to explore new ideas and collaborations in the field of Advanced Nanomaterials.


  • A series of the keynote, invited lectures, comprehensive oral and poster sessions on the various topics of Nanomaterials science, engineering, and technology.
  • The highest level of interactions and most vibrant discussions while cruising across the Baltic Sea.
  • Delegates will have full access to the concurrent conference tracks to mix-and-match presentations and maximize networking.
  • Conference process will commence on 09 October from Stockholm and will conclude to Stockholm on 11 October 2019.
  • A head-on interaction between the exhibitors and sponsors.
  • Presence of business technocrats.
  • Conference running into two-time zones with the wave of Nanomaterials science, engineering, and technology. 
  • The illusion of “Knowledge Experience at Sea” ensure the maximum interaction and most vibrant discussion to place all aboard in a single vessel while sailing.
  • The conference will bring an amazing experience of lectures of eminent speakers, high-quality presentations and global networking.
  • Excellent experience of cruise hospitality, culture, and social activities in two capital cities of Scandinavia, with the allusion of the beautiful views of Stockholm archipelago with nearly 30,000 islands, islets, and rocks.