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Advanced Functional
Materials Congress

26 - 28 August, 2020 | Stockholm, Sweden

Advanced Functional Materials Congress

26 - 28 August, 2020 | Stockholm, Sweden

The Advanced Functional Materials Congress is dedicated to continuously exploring all the recent breakthroughs and progresses made in terms of research, innovations, and discoveries in the world of materials science. The congress serves as an opportunity for researchers, engineers, students, professionals, and business giants to present their research results, breakthrough innovations, discoveries, ideas, experiences, and also to launch new products at a global platform in front of contemporaries from all corners of the globe.

Submit Abstract

Important Dates

7 February 2020

Abstract Submission Deadline

10 February 2020

Confirmation of Abstract Acceptation

05 March 2020

Registration Deadline

Previous congress Reports


The congress aims to deliver an interdisciplinary forum on the following topics:

Functional Materials - Synthesis and Characterizations

Ceramic Materials – Applications

Functional Materials - Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Functional Materials in Electronics, Photonics and Optoelectronic

Functional Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Functional Biomaterials

Functional Polymeric Materials

Functional Hybrid Materials

Nano-scale Engineering, Innovations and Technology

Functional Carbon/ Quantum Dots

Computational Study and Modelling of Functional Materials

Functional Additive Manufacturing

Functional Materials Based Devices

Functional Materials in Energy and Environmental Applications

Functional Materials Based Technology, Innovations and Market

Parallel Event

European Healthcare Materials
and Technology Congress

26 - 28 August, 2020
Stockholm, Sweden

The European Healthcare Materials & Technology Congress (EHMT 2020) intended to provide an international..

Read More
Be a part of

Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence

  • Excellent Speaker

  • Interdisciplinary
    Research Presentation

  • Global Networking

  • Strong Attendance
    from Industry and Academia

  • Parallel Events

  • Industry Exhibitions

  • IAAM Awards
    and Felicitations

  • Amazing Experience of
    Cruise Hospitality

  • Explore New

  • Product Launches

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Knowledge Experience at SeaTM

IAAM congresses are committed to deliver a global interdisciplinary platform for the students, researchers and professionals from academia and industries to confer the advancement of materials to global excellence.

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Call for Abstract

The Congress invites professional researchers, scientific communities, students and business professionals from all over the world to attend the three-day international conference to be held in Stockholm, Sweden during 26 – 28 August 2020.