1. Guidelines for Participation
To participate the congress, first you should select the mode of participation as attendee or presenter. To participate as “Presenter”, you will need to present your idea or study to the audience. For this, you should first become a user by logging in to the delegates portal, then submit your abstract for presentation. Your abstract will be reviewed by scientific committee, and you will receive a decision with instruction for final registration.
To join the congress as “Attendee”, after becoming user, you should send us the registration request by logging in to your account. You will then be notified with our decision with instructions for further steps.
2. Guidelines for Lectures and Presentations
There will be several types of contributions:
- a) Keynote Talk. Presentation Time- 30 minutes; 25 minutes for the presentation followed by 5 minutes’ question-answer session.
- b) Advanced Materials Lecture. 20 minutes; 17 minutes for the presentation followed by 3 minutes’ question-answer session. This includes the IAAM Fellow, Award and Medal lectures.
- c) Invited Talk. Presentation Time- 20 minutes; 17 minutes for the presentation followed by 3 minutes’ question-answer session.
- d) Oral Presentation. Presentation Time- 15 minutes; 12 minutes for the presentation followed by 3 minutes’ question-answer session.
2.1. Power Point Format for Speakers and Oral Presentation
To ensure effective broadcasting, the Power Point presentation should be in the 16:9 format. If you are converting the presentation from 4:3 into 16:9, make sure that the figures do not get stretched. If they do get stretched, use the option in the figure-size menu to restore the original size. The presentations should be light, clear with less text, animation, and video.
Role of Member of Scientific Advisory Board:
2.2. Poster Presentation
a) Prepare E-poster. 3 minutes presentation and 2 min question-answer session. The title and authors must appear at the top of the poster.
b) Poster Format
- i. Place the title at the top centre of the poster
- ii. Avoid hand-drawn materials
- iii. Keep it simple
- iv. Do not post the pages of your paper
- v. Make sure it has a logical flow
- vi. Use colour, graphics, charts, and photos
- vii. Key points should be in bold or in a larger font size
- viii. Do not try to narrate the entire subject on the panel
- ix. Save some key points for the one-on-one discussion
- x. Check the program for the setup and presentation time for your session
3. Guidelines for General Chairs & Co-chairs
General chairs & Co-chairs will be responsible for the course of the event. In the attendees’ minds, you are an extension of the congress, and your main tasks will be to moderate the presentations and discussions, and to ensure that the objectives of the sessions are met.
3.1. Key Tasks for General Chairs & Co-chairs during the Session
- a) Suggests and invite speakers for the congress
- b) Suggests and invite scientific committee members and session chairs, co-chairs.
- c) Regular meeting with the Scientific and Organising committee members
- d) Monitoring the overall preparation of the congress
4. Guidelines for Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific advisory board members will be responsible for the course of the event in the respective assigned subject areas or a whole. The main tasks will be to assist the General chairs and co-chairs to moderate the presentations and discussions, and to ensure that the objectives of the sessions are met. There are other key roles to be followed by Scientific advisory board members for the successful organisation of the congress
- a) To advise the congress organizing committee on scientific matters including suggesting topics for sub/sessions, recommend speakers, etc.
- b) To recommend for Keynote (05), Invited (10) and Oral (10) talks for the congress.
- c) To encourage students, researchers, colleagues, and collaborators to participate in the congress.
- d) To track developments of virtual congress activities.
- e) To assist to make grand success of the online congress, as appropriate, through public speaking, professional work, and outreach to contact networks.
5. Guidelines for Session Chairs & Co-chairs
Session chairs & Co-chairs will be responsible for the course of the session in the respective virtual session. In the attendees’ minds, you are an extension of the congress. During the meeting, they will be responsible for ensuring that proper discussion takes place and that the time schedule is followed. They will also prepare summary statements to be used in the concluding session.
5.1. Key Tasks for Session Chairs & Co-chairs during the Session
- a) Introduce speakers
- b) Moderate any subsequent discussions and time keeping
- c) When appropriate and if time allows, present a summary at the end of the session
- d) Draft a summary for the concluding remarks
5.2. Further Details of Preparations
The chair and co-chair should try to familiarize themselves with the work being presented in their sessions. This includes review of the corresponding abstracts presented in the session.
- a) Introduction of speakers. The chair should introduce each speaker briefly, giving the presented title of the presentation, the name of author and their parent organization. Data sheets for each speaker will be provided for this purpose. Please keep the length of these introductions to a minimum.
- b) Moderating the Discussion and Time Keeping. The congress programme has an ambitious schedule. There is little scope for catching-up if the programme falls behind schedule. Chairs and co-chair are asked to ensure that the scheduled timing for the sessions is rigorously enforced. The detailed schedule will be provided. It shows the times that have been allotted to each speaker in your session. The presenters are aware of their allotted time. If an oral presentation is exceeding its allotted time the chair/co-Chair should exercise its authority to invite the speaker to bring their presentation quickly to an end. The same applies to discussion periods.
- c) Summing Up. If appropriate and if time allows, the chair/co-chair is asked to provide at the end of the session a summary and/or a statement (2-3 min) of the main points that have arisen during the session.
- d) Drafting a Summary for the Congress Proceedings. After the session, the chair and the co-chair should draft a written summary of their session. This should cover the main points/themes brought out in the papers together with those raised in any subsequent questions and discussions. The written summary should be in bullet form, and no longer than one page. Please provide a copy of the written summary to the organising secretary as soon as it is available. The highlights of all the sessions will be published in the congress proceedings.
6. Guidelines for Oral and Poster Jury
The Oral and poster Evaluation Jury will be responsible for the course of the respective sessions. The key role will be
- a) To access the overall synopsis of each presentation.
- li>b) Effective question and answers (Q & A) sessions. li>c) Evaluate and nominate the “Best Oral Presentation” and “Best Poster Presentation”. li>d) Drafting a summary for the congress proceedings.
7. Guidelines for Online LIVE Setups
IAAM’ Hybrid Congress Setups create a seamless fusion experience by utilizing the web communication, digital recording, online and offline technologies to allow more engagement and participation than ever before. All the presentation and lectures will run with Online LIVE set up, where the speakers, session chairs and attendees will be live during the congress.
7.1. Technical Requirements
All the lecture/oral Sessions will take place on Web meeting platform. For the proper functioning of the Sessions, the participants will require the following things:
- a) A computer
- b) A functioning webcam
- c) Headphones with microphones
- d) A prepared PowerPoint Presentation (for speakers)
- e) A high-speed internet connection
7.2. Guidelines for Online LIVER Delegates
- a) The conference will run at Central European Summer Time and the conference weblink will start 30 min prior to the conference schedule. Being ready sooner is always better!
- b) All the speakers and sessions chairs requested to check their scheduled sessions and follow the instructions as per described in the Program.
- c) Keep your device charged and ensure your internet connection is stable.
- d) Please download the Zoom meeting application before the meeting.
- e) All the lectures will be recorded and will be available on-demand after the congress.
- f) To ask a question during any session, please use the “Q & A” button and type your query. All the queries should scientific and relevant to the lecture. Once the talk finishes, a Q & A session will follow. Then, the questions will be selected by the organizer, and he will read them out loud for the speaker to answer them.
- g) Whenever possible, try to reduce the number of devices connected to the internet when you attend to the event, as well as avoid having too many open windows taking up your bandwidth. These measures can make all the difference in the quality of video and sound you’ll receive and avoid the most typical difficulties of internet calls.
7.3. Guidelines for Online Speakers
- a) All the lectures will be recorded and may be published in the open access video journal of IAAM,
- b) “Video Proceedings of Advanced Materials” after the peer-review. After the proofread by the presenting author, the lecture may be published online as an audio video article.
- c) IAAM office circulates the open access video article to leading researchers and members of association.
- d) As the lecture may be published for open science under “Live knowledge at Web”, you are advised to not use any confidential information in the presentation.
- e) Kindly ensure your focused face towards camera and effective sound quality for better recording.
- f) The speakers need to open their PowerPoint presentation at least 5 minutes before the start of their lecture and when the session chair will ask them to share it, they need to use the “Share Screen” button in the Zoom platform and select the PowerPoint window.
- g) The speakers are always bound to respect the allotted time and listen to the instructions of the session chair to ensure the smooth functioning of the program.
7.4. The following is the time limit for various presentations (including Q&A)
- a) Keynote Presentation: 30 min (25 min for presentation and 05 min for Q&A)
- b) Invited Presentation: 20 min (17 min for presentation and 03 min for Q&A)
- c) Oral Presentation: 15 min (12 min for presentation and 03 min for Q&A)
- d) Poster Presentation: 05 min
7.5. Guidelines for Session Chairs
- a) Session chair should join the respective session at least 15 min prior to the starting to avoid any technical issues.
- b) Session chairs will be responsible for the course of the session.
- c) In the attendees' minds, session chairs are an extension of the congress and should be knowledgeable of the basics relating to the online event.
- d) Session chairs should gather some brief about the respective speakers of the session.
- e) If there are any co-session chairs, the introduction of the speakers should be done by their mutual discussion. For this, they can use the “Chat” option in the zoom platform and use “Private message”.
7.6. Guidelines for Attendees
- a) All the attendees should join the respective session at least 15 min prior to the starting to avoid any technical issues.
- b) Their mike should be always mute during the presentation.
- c) To ask a question during any session, they should use the “Q & A” button and type his/her query or raise their hand in zoom platform.
7.7. Technical Requirements
All the lecture/oral Sessions will take place on Web meeting platform. For the proper functioning of the Sessions, the speakers will require the following things:
- a) A computer
- b) A functioning webcam
- c) Headphones with microphones
- d) A prepared PowerPoint Presentation
- e) A high-speed internet connection
The speakers are advised to use the web meeting application beforehand in order to get used to the interface and the functioning. During the presentation, they are also advised to be extra careful when connecting or disconnecting the camera or muting the microphone. If a speaker is not speaking, the microphone should preferably be on mute during the sessions.
7.8. Summary Guide for Online LIVE
Time to go for the congress | Instruction and Guideline |
3-5 days | Check out the program and abstracts |
1-2 days | Run-through the connection test |
15-30 min | Connect and get ready |
0 |
Session chair will commence the start of the session and will introduce the speaker to start his/her lecture. Speaker should keep in mind the time limit set by the Session Chair and share your screen to play the slides for the presentation. Other panellist & attendee will mute their microphone and will listen the lecture. To ask a question during any session, they should use the “Q & A” button and type the query. |
After the talk |
Once the talk finishes, a Q & A session will follow. Then, the questions will be selected by the organizer, and he will read them out loud for the speaker to answer them. |
After the 1st session |
Join other sessions |
After 07-15 days |
Certificate of attendance will be sent to registered email id. |
After 15-30 days |
The speakers will receive the comments and proof of lecture video for publication in VPOAM |
Before publication deadline |
Submit your full article in the IAAM official journals: Advanced Materials Letters and Advanced Materials Proceedings. |
8. Guidelines for On-Demand Delegates
If you missed the live conference and want to catch-up with recorded content, you need to register yourself for the on-demand access by sending an email to coordinator@advancedmaterialscongress.org. The on-demand access of the presentation will be available up to 06 months after the congress. On-demand access includes recordings of talks and slides, poster pitches and posters from authors that have agreed for post event distribution: the organizers cannot guarantee on-demand access to all presentations.