
Building partnerships for transforming R&D

An international consortium is set to take place during the upcoming World Conclave on Materials, Energy and Climate. This consortium will bring together a diverse group of distinguished scientists, researchers, and industry representatives from around the world to discuss the latest developments and challenges in materials, energy, and climate research towards green transition.

The consortium offers a unique opportunity for these prominent delegates to collaborate and share their knowledge, resources, and networks on multi-inter-trans-disciplinary projects. By working together, they can pool their collective expertise to address critical issues in the field and explore innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

Participants of the dedicated session can expect a highly enriching experience as they engage in lively discussions, share insights, and gain new perspectives on the latest developments in materials, energy, and climate research. The consortium will also facilitate the building of joint infrastructures, pooling of resources for a common goal, commercialization of intellectual property rights, and creation of high-quality publications.

Through the international consortium, the participants can build stronger networks, establish new collaborations, and foster international cooperation in advancing materials, energy, and climate research. The outcomes of this consortium are expected to contribute significantly to achieving a sustainable future and accelerating the transition towards green technologies.

An International Consortium for latest developments in Advanced Materials Science
An International Consortium for latest developments in Advanced Materials Science